Anti-reflective coating: See better and look better

Anti-reflective coating (also called “AR coating” or “anti-glare  coating”) improves vision, reduces eye strain and makes your eyeglasses look more attractive. These benefits are due to the ability of AR coating to virtually eliminate reflections from the front and back surfaces of your eyeglass lenses. With reflections gone, more light passes through your lenses to optimize […]

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Myths About Polarized Glasses

Polarized glasses have been popular with anglers and boaters for many years. It is only recently that polarized glasses caught on as a popular trend, however. Polarized glasses can dramatically reduce reflective glare, making it easier to see fine details in bright sunlight. However, it is important to understand the truth behind some of the […]

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Protect Your Eyes in the Winter

Safeguarding Your Vision: Strategies to Protect Your Eyes in the Winter As winter arrives, and the cold, cloudy days set in, sunglasses may not be the first thing on your mind. Yet, neglecting winter eye protection can lead to painful temporary conditions and potential permanent eye damage. The Importance of Winter Eye Protection Were you […]

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Are cheap sunglasses bad for your eyes?

It’s almost summer, and time to start stocking up on the universal sunny-day accessory: sunglasses. It might be tempting to grab a pair from your nearest dollar store and hit the beach. But if you do that, you probably won’t be doing yourself — or your vision — any favors. When you’re outside in the […]

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