Ocular Migraine

IN THIS ARTICLE Symptoms Causes How It’s Diagnosed Treatment What is Optical Migraine or Ocular Migraine? Whenever we talk about Migraines we tend to imagine about pounding and disabling headaches but when we talk about optical migraine or ocular migraine, this is a condition in which the affected individual does not have any pain but […]

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Long Eyelashes May be Short on Protection

The eyes are an important part of the human body. One of the first things we often notice about other people is their eyes. As we make eye contact with other people, our eyes communicate in ways that our words cannot. Sometimes our eyes are accentuated by the little hairs that line our eyelids. Yes! We’re talking about eyelashes. Beauty […]

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Can Emotions Affect Vision?

There are many common phrases that suggest that our vision can be affected by our mood or emotions. Everyone would be familiar with such phrases such as ‘rose–tinted glasses’ and ‘green-eyed’, or have heard something described as ‘eye opening’. Such terms form part of our everyday language, but it now appears that there is plenty […]

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What causes blepharitis? How is blepharitis diagnosed? How is blepharitis treated? Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids in which they become red, irritated and itchy and dandruff-like scales form on the eyelashes. It is a common eye disorder caused by either bacteria or a skin condition, such as dandruff of the scalp or rosacea. It […]

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February is Low Vision Awareness Month

February is Low Vision Awareness Month, and there is no better time to protect one of your most important senses – your eyesight. Learning about the causes and risk factors related to low vision and scheduling a screening for yourself or a loved one is the key to protecting your sight as you age. If […]

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