How to Protect Your Eyes During Allergy Season

No matter where you live, allergens and their effects on your eyes are nothing to sneeze at. Researchers at the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America say as many as 30 percent of adults and 40 percent of children suffer from some type of allergies. So what’s an itchy-eye sufferer to do? Since we can’t persuade Mother […]

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Good Practices for Safe Night Driving

The shorter days of winter inevitably lead to more night driving than in the other seasons. Those of us without perfect eyesight may find it a stressful adjustment each year. It can even be a dangerous one if we don’t take the dangers of night driving into consideration. We can make a big difference in […]

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Screen Readers for Blind or Low-Vision People

What are screen readers?Screen readers are a type of accessibility technology that allows people who are blind or visually impaired to use devices like phones and computers that have a screen. This allows people to access digital content when they might otherwise be unable to. Who Uses Screen Readers? As technology becomes more widespread and […]

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Eye Pain: What Are the Causes?

Eye pain can be a very irritating condition to have, as it can greatly affect an individual’s day-to-day normal activities. Eye pain or irritation can be of various types. It can be felt as a sharp, shooting, burning, dull, gritty, stabbing sensation or a feeling of a foreign body in the eye, aching, pressure like […]

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Eye health by numbers

As America’s population ages overall, the number of people with eye conditions and disease will increase. Currently the number of us dealing with vision problems is already staggering. If you’re coping with vision problems, you’re not alone. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, Nearly 1.3 million Americans forty and older are legally blind. About […]

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