Can Emotions Affect Vision?

There are many common phrases that suggest that our vision can be affected by our mood or emotions. Everyone would be familiar with such phrases such as ‘rose–tinted glasses’ and ‘green-eyed’, or have heard something described as ‘eye opening’. Such terms form part of our everyday language, but it now appears that there is plenty […]

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February is Low Vision Awareness Month

February is Low Vision Awareness Month, and there is no better time to protect one of your most important senses – your eyesight. Learning about the causes and risk factors related to low vision and scheduling a screening for yourself or a loved one is the key to protecting your sight as you age. If […]

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7 Easy, Natural Ways to Protect Your Vision

Eat your carrots. Wear a visor or hat. Try lutein and zinc? What about bilberry? Eye health is vital. So how do you protect your vision? If you haven’t had an eye exam lately, that’s essential. Many eye problems, such as glaucoma, progress slowly — with vision loss unnoticed until the disease is advanced. In addition to […]

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Winter Eye Health

The winter weather can be particularly harsh on your eyes and presents new and different reasons to protect them. Here are some of the ways winter can affect your vision, or exacerbate an eye condition, and tips for prevention. Winter sun Sunglasses aren’t just for summer. Snow and ice are reflective, so the sun’s rays […]

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Best Foods For Your Eyes

          Are you eating the foods that are best for your eyes? There’s more to eye nutrition than just carrots. Learn which foods boost your eye health and help protect against sight-threatening diseases.           Estimates suggest that 21 million Americans have some sort of functional vision problem or eye […]

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