Facts About the Amazing Eye

We don’t often give our eyes as much thought as we should, that is until something goes wrong and our vision is affected. But when you learn more about eyes, you realize just how amazing they are. Here are a few facts you may enjoy: Eyes began to develop 550 million years ago. The simplest […]

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The effects of pepper spray on eyes

Needless to say, being on the receiving end of pepper (or capsicum) spray is never going to be recommended. While many governments approve the use of pepper spray by police or military groups, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that it can cause considerable harm, especially to the eyes. The effect of pepper spray […]

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Contact Lenses: Information about Contacts and their Use

Contents Introduction and Overview Reasons for Considering Contact Lenses Many Types of Contact Lenses Available Things to Consider about Contact Lenses Contact Lens Terminology How do Contact Lenses Work? Summary Diagnosis Codes The Importance of a Comprehensive Eye Exam Introduction and Overview If you are considering contact lenses for your vision correction, it is helpful […]

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Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is defined as the complex of eye, vision and body problems associated with excessive computer use. Most parents are rightly concerned about the types of people or subject matter that their children and teenagers might encountering online, but few of them worry about the effects of heavy computer usage itself. When […]

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