Light sensitivity is also called photophobia. It is a common experience with many underlying causes. The broad term covers many kinds of discomfort in bright light, ranging from trouble adjusting to brighter light to pain in the eyes. People who have light-colored eyes may be more prone to light sensitivity than those with dark eyes. If you […]

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Low Vision Home Safety Tips

A happy home life should be something everyone enjoys, including people with vision issues. The National Eye Institute reports today, there are 4.2 million Americans ages 40 and older who are visually impaired. By 2030, the number is projected to reach 7.2 million, with 5 million people who are expected to have low vision. Low […]

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Eye Exams at Age 40: Why They Matter

As we reach the milestone of turning 40, our bodies, including our eyes, start to undergo significant changes. Eye health is crucial, and regular eye exams become increasingly important to maintain good vision and detect potential issues early. This blog will delve into why eye exams are essential at this age, what to expect during […]

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