Eye health by numbers

As America’s population ages overall, the number of people with eye conditions and disease will increase. Currently the number of us dealing with vision problems is already staggering. If you’re coping with vision problems, you’re not alone. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, Nearly 1.3 million Americans forty and older are legally blind. About […]

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Eye Drops For Allergies Information

Allergy eyedrops are liquid medicines used to treat symptoms of eye allergies. Eye allergy symptoms include: A burning feeling in your eye Feeling like something is in the eye Itchy eyes Red (bloodshot) eyes Swollen eyelid Tearing An eye allergy can be triggered by the same things that cause hay fever, such as: Pollen Dust […]

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Discovering Common Dry Eye Symptoms

Dry eye symptoms are often a result of insufficient tear production, or tear films that evaporate too quickly. This condition, which can be chronic, can affect anyone but is prevalent among women and the elderly. Dry eye causes and risk factors can vary, too. Some suffer from it due to their environment, while some are […]

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February is Low Vision Awareness Month

February is Low Vision Awareness Month, and there is no better time to protect one of your most important senses – your eyesight. Learning about the causes and risk factors related to low vision and scheduling a screening for yourself or a loved one is the key to protecting your sight as you age. If […]

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