Enhancing Lives: The World of Low Vision Devices

Vision is a fundamental sense that greatly influences our daily lives. However, millions of people worldwide experience visual impairments that make even simple tasks challenging. Low vision is a condition where an individual’s vision cannot be fully corrected with regular eyeglasses, contact lenses, or surgery. Fortunately, the world of low vision devices has expanded to […]

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Best Frames for High Prescription Lenses

Choosing the best frames for high prescription lenses depends on whether you are nearsighted or farsighted. Depending on what your prescription says, there may be a chance that your favorite style of frame may not be compatible with the lenses you pick. To avoid having your glasses give off that classic “coke bottle effect” (a […]

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Myths About Polarized Glasses

Polarized glasses have been popular with anglers and boaters for many years. It is only recently that polarized glasses caught on as a popular trend, however. Polarized glasses can dramatically reduce reflective glare, making it easier to see fine details in bright sunlight. However, it is important to understand the truth behind some of the […]

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Wearing Contacts Too Long

If you wear contact lenses, it’s likely you’ve occasionally been guilty of wearing contacts too long. Whether it happens because your workday rolls into a long night out, you don’t have a spare pair, or you just plain forget you’re wearing them in the first place – it’s bound to happen. And, as a contact […]

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